

近年来,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)与大数据(Big Data)的分析应用已被医药专业人士点评为最具颠覆性的两大新兴技术,因其可缩短药物的研发周期、降低投入成本,并提高药物上市的成功率。现今,人工智能已在多方层面应用于药物发现与开发的流程中,例如配位基(ligand)与分子结构的筛选、毒性预测及新冠疫情期间的药物定位;另外,人工智能模型也被应用于基因体学(genomics)、蛋白质体学(proteomics)、医疗影像(medical imaging)及其他复杂且大型的数据集中以帮助厘清疾病的生物机制,并筛选潜在的候选药物。然而,在药物发现中,大数据与人工智能的应用仍尚处于萌芽阶段,但各界已看好其趋势,将持续为药物开发领域带来革命性变化。
来自英国牛津、专注于 RNA 药物开发与临床前模型创建的赭石生医(Ochre Bio)即将于 11 月 9 日举办论坛活动,现场将邀请了来自大数据、基因体学、药物开发等领域的业界专业人士,带领我们更深入探索人工智能与大数据在制药的应用。与会讲者包含 Ochre Bio 的科学长 Quin Wills 博士、Insilico Medicine Taiwan(英科智能)执行长林彦竹(Jimmy Lin)博士、宏碁(Acer)价值创新中心研发经理陈映嘉(Inca Chen)博士以及新析生物科技(Syncell)执行长廖仲麒教授,与我们共同探索更多药物探索的创新想法。

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data approaches in drug discovery have gained substantial momentum over the past few years, with the benefit of speeding up drug development timelines as well as reducing research costs.
Based in Oxford, UK, Ochre Bio employs genomics-led target discovery and human-based preclinical models and RNA medicine to develop new therapies for chronic liver diseases. Seeing the infinite potential of AI and big data’s involvement in drug development, Ochre Bio will hold a symposium on this trending topic. The speakers consist of four multinational industry leaders in the field of big data, genomics, and drug development, including Dr. Quin Wills, CSO of Ochre Bio, Dr. Jimmy Lin, CEO of Insilico Medicine Taiwan, Dr. Inca Chen, RD Manager of Acer, and Prof. Liao, CEO of Syncell.
Please join us at this event to celebrate the ideas and milestones achieved by the pioneering companies in this field.

Big Data and AI Innovation in Drug Discovery
日期与时间: 2022 年 11 月 9 日 09:30 – 12:15
地点:台北市南港区研究院路一段 130 巷 99 号,国家生技研究园区 C 栋 2 楼
主办单位:NBRP、GlintMED、Ochre Bio
赞助单位:均泰、10X Genomics、汉民科技

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